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Discover La Specialista Range

Discover La Specialista Range


La Specialista Arte
My LatteArt manual milk frothing - Barista tool-kit with dosing & Tamping guide Traditional grinder - 8 settings 2 Pre-set coffee recipes
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La Specialista Prestigio
My LatteArt manual milk frothing - Smart tamping station Sensor Grinding Technology 3 Pre-set coffee recipes
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La Specialista Maestro Now with COLD BREW
My LatteArt manual milk frothing and LatteCrema Hot Technology Cold Extraction Technology for Cold Brew and Espresso Cool Smart tamping station Sensor Grinding Technology 8 Pre-set recipes
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Sensor grinding technology
Smart tamping station
Dynamic pre-infusion
Temperature Control


Extracting all the flavour and
aroma of your favourite beans

The grinder comes with 8 settings from fine to coarse, as well as built-in sensors that automatically adjust the grind time to ensure you get the perfect dose for your drink every time.


Variable dosing and an even tamp pressure,
suitable for baristas in every home 

Experience the precision of a barsista without the hassle. With the Smart Tamping Station you can tamp the dose of ground coffee consistently without dirtying the countertop and without wasting coffee.


An Infusion that’s tailor-made for
your grind and dose

By automatically adjustiing the pre-infusion length to the density of your coffee dose, La Specialista delivers an even, high-quality extraction.


Temperature adjustment
to match your flavour profile

Water tempearature is precisely controlled throughout the brewing process, ensuring there are no temperature changes during the coffee extraction process and a perfectly consistent extraction.

Cold Extraction Technology 


Cold Extraction Technology 

Cold Extraction Technology offers a delightfully refreshing twist on traditional coffee drinks by extracting the full range of flavours from coffee beans using low pressure and room-temperature water. Available on La Specialista Maestro, you can now enjoy a delicious Cold Brew or velvety Espresso Cool drinks and experience a new world of coffee possibilities from the comfort of your home.

All your favourite drinks

La Specialista range combines the craftmanship of coffee making with the science of the craft. No matter what your preferred coffee drink is, enjoy barista control and precision and make it exactly the way you like it.
Espresso Compact crema with balanced, long-lasting taste.
Cappuccino A creamy coffee with a thick foam layer
Latte Macchiato An Espresso shot added to a glass of steamed milk
Americano The delights of a long drink made from a shot of espresso.
Espresso Cool An Espresso style shot extracted cold
Cold Brew A fragrant, light coffee extracted cold
Espresso Compact crema with balanced, long-lasting taste.
Cappuccino A creamy coffee with a thick foam layer
Latte Macchiato An Espresso shot added to a glass of steamed milk
Americano The delights of a long drink made from a shot of espresso.
Espresso Cool An Espresso style shot extracted cold
Cold Brew A fragrant, light coffee extracted cold

Silky smooth milk - Your preferred way


Silky smooth milk - Your preferred way

La Specialista Maestro features 2 separate frothing systems for the ultimate in creativity and convenience. 
My LatteArt steam wand unleashes the barista in you. Inspired by professional coffee machines, the steam wand releases the right amount of steam to froth and create a silky micro texture that’s ideal for Latte Art creations. You can handcraft and personalize all the milk drinks you like. 
LatteCrema Hot Technology automatically serves a rich, creamy foam at the right hot temperature, for long-lasting moments of pleasure at the touch of a button.