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Looking for help with your coffee machine?

To help you find the right answer from our Support Team, please try our Product Assistant or the Troubleshooting Guides


Ask us a question.

Why isn’t the website working properly?

We apologize if you encounter difficulties with our website.  In order to try and help you resolve you can contact us.

 The information that would help in our research would include:

  • A short description of the issue (i.e. you cannot view all or part of a page, items can't be added to your cart, you can't complete checkout, etc)
  • The type of device you are using - a laptop, desktop or mobile device (phone or tablet)
  • The browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc) and the version of your browser.  You can check your version by going into the Help section of the Browser toolbar and selecting the 'About' option 

We can then further research for you and help resolve.