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The appliances failed to connect to the De’Longhi Comfort App, What Should I Do?

The unavailability of connection is indicated by Wi-Fi icon fast flashing on appliance control panel. This may have occurred for several reasons. Check that you have done the following:


•        Make sure your Wi-Fi router is switched on and connected to the internet.

•        Have your appliance plugged in.

•        Have your Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and Wi-Fi network password ready (remember, passwords are case sensitive).

•        Make sure your smart device’s location settings are turned on (for Android only).

•        Make sure your smart device’s WiFi settings are turned on (for Android only).

•        Make sure your smart device’s Bluetooth settings are turned on (both iOS and Android).

•        Check that your router’s security protocols are set to either WPA or WPA2 (see manufacturer’s instructions for how to do this).

•        Check the Wi-Fi network uses 2.4GHz channels.