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Can I make hot chocolate with my automatic coffee machine?

Yes, you can.

With premium machines, simply add your favourite chocolate or malt drink mixture to the cup and press the milk only button (or if applicable) latte button twice in quick succession to deliver milk only and adjust the milk carafe dial to the correct setting. Your bean to cup machine will deliver hot milk only and you can enjoy a perfect frothy hot drink every time. You can even add a shot of espresso for a delicious mocha drink.

You can use the traditional milk frother with non-premium machines. Add the chocolate or malt drink mixture to the milk in the cup and using the steam function, dip the milk frother fully into the milk and open the steam dial fully. This steams and heats the milk and chocolate mix. When the desired temperature and quantity of steam has been reached the turn off the steam dial.

Some of our machines have a dedicated hot chocolate feature. Please see our website for more information.