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De’Longhi’s genuine cleaning and care products


Spot the difference

Spot the difference

Use our genuine care products to reduce limescale and filter water, for an authentic coffee taste
Buy genuine

Our genuine cleaning and care products are essential for your coffee machine

Water Filter

Eco Decalk

Soft Balls

Eco MultiClean

Great tasting water makes the difference


water filter

Great tasting water makes the difference

Great tasting water makes the difference

Use our water filters to reduce limescale and heavy metals and extend your coffee machine lifespan, improving the quality of the water.
Shop now

A clean machine makes the difference


Eco decalk

A clean machine makes the difference


A clean machine makes the difference

Use our natural and efficient limescale remover to extend the life of your machine, preserve energy efficiency and always enjoy the best coffee flavour and crema.

Ecodecalk is the result of strong cooperation between a professional R&D Partner and De'Longhi Engineers.

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Our selection of easy-to-use products will help you get the most out of your coffee machine

Our selection of easy-to-use products will help you get the most out of your coffee machine

Water Filter Improves the quality of your water and extends the lifespan of your coffee machine
Eco Decalk Universal descaling solution to keep your coffee tasting delicious
Water Filter Improves the quality of your water and extends the lifespan of your coffee machine
Eco Decalk Universal descaling solution to keep your coffee tasting delicious