De Longhi is committed to observing all laws, regulations, codes and organisational standards. In particular, De Longhi is committed to observing the provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA).
The CCA applies to the business activities of De Longhi – this includes De Longhi's business dealings with customers, suppliers, competitors, agents and members of the public.
De Longhi's commitment to compliance is demonstrated by the company's implementation of a comprehensive, company-wide Competition and Consumer Law Compliance Program, including:
De Longhi is committed to achieving full compliance with the CCA and requires all employees and agents to actively comply with its provisions.
As an employee, agent or representative of De Longhi, you are required to be familiar with the CCA. You should ensure that you do not engage in any conduct in breach of, allow or ignore any breach of the CCA. It is your responsibility to guard against a breach.
A breach of the CCA has serious consequences for both De Longhi and you (if you are involved in the breach). Breaches of the CCA will be viewed by De Longhi as a serious contravention of the terms of your employment and will result in disciplinary action, including dismissal. The CCA imposes severe financial and other penalties on companies and individuals and De Longhi will not reimburse any penalty or legal costs imposed on an individual for their part in any breach.
If you believe that your conduct or the conduct of another may be at risk of breaching the CCA, please contact De Longhi's Compliance Officer, Alan Frettingham on (02) 9426 7019 before taking any action. Whistleblowers will not be prosecuted or disadvantaged in any way by raising concerns. Reports of whistleblowers will be kept confidential and secure.
Remember, the primary reason for seeking to ensure an effective compliance program is in place, is because diligent compliance is good for business.
Use the following link to download a PDF version (40KB) of the
DeLonghi - Competition and Consumer Law Compliance Policy
Use the following link to download a PDF version (38KB) of the
DeLonghi - Whistleblower and Improper Conduct Policy
Use the following link to download a PDF version (33KB) of the
DeLonghi - Complaints Handling Policy