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Coffee Recipes

Cold Brew Recipes


Cold Brew Lemonade Recipe

Cold Brew Lemonade Recipe

Rum and cold brew make the perfect summer drink

Cold Brew Citrus Punch Recipe

Cold Brew Citrus Punch Recipe

Rum and cold brew make a perfect summer drink

Cold Brew Margherita Recipe

Cold Brew Margherita Recipe

The classic cocktail made better with cold brew!

Cold Brew Pomegranate Tonic Recipe

Cold Brew Pomegranate Tonic Recipe

Use light tonic for a low calorie version

Classic Coffee Recipes


Espresso Classic Coffee Recipe

Espresso Classic Coffee Recipe

The heart of every good Italian coffee recipe is the espresso, and here you can learn to make the perfect one.

Cappuccino Classic Coffee Recipe

Cappuccino Classic Coffee Recipe

One of our favourites as a nation. Learn to make the perfect one. 

Latte Classic Coffee Recipe

Latte Classic Coffee Recipe

A milky long coffee drink usually enjoyed in the mornings. Delicious!

Americano/ Long Coffee Recipe

Americano/ Long Coffee Recipe

Enjoyed by millions in the UK, the Americano or Long Coffee is one of our most popular recipe requests. 

Flat White Classic Coffee Recipe

Flat White Classic Coffee Recipe

Originally created in Australia, this is fast becoming the nations most popular drink

Espresso Macchiato Coffee Recipe

Espresso Macchiato Coffee Recipe

A potent power packed shot of your favourite drink that can be enjoyed in seconds. 

Mocha Classic Coffee Recipe

Mocha Classic Coffee Recipe

Comfort in a cup! Chocolate and coffee make the perfect pairing 

Morning Kickstarter Coffee Recipe

Morning Kickstarter Coffee Recipe

This is a brilliant way to get the day going. Never again have a bad morning!

Coffee Cocktails


Espresso Classic Coffee Recipe

Espresso Classic Coffee Recipe

The heart of every good Italian cofefe recipe is the espresso, and here you can learn to make the perfect one.

Black Forest Coffee Brandy Coffee

Black Forest Coffee Brandy Coffee

Definitely one of our favourites - This cocktail is a black forest gateaux in a glass! 

Cafe Nelson Coffee Cocktail

Cafe Nelson Coffee Cocktail

Traditionally a hot coffee drink but instead of Kahlua, we’ve got the distinctive hazelnut flavour of Frangelico.​​​​​​​

Chocolate Sidecar Coffee Cocktail 

Chocolate Sidecar Coffee Cocktail 

Takes you right back to your childhood on a cold Christmas morning when you smashed open a Terry’s Chocolate Orange.

Espresso Martini

Espresso Martini

Espresso Martini will jolt you awake with its boozy magical powers.

Rosemary Tonic

Rosemary Tonic

This mocktail brings a new dimension to coffee with the refreshing herbal notes of rosemary.

Pumpkin Spiced Latte

Pumpkin Spiced Latte

A sweet and seasonal latte with homemade pumpkin syrup.

Coffee Cherry Tea

Coffee Cherry Tea

A version of cascara tea, made with muddled cherries, lemon and orange peel.

Prairie Buzz

Prairie Buzz

The ideal nightcap for the coffee-inclined

Amaretto Old Fashioned

Amaretto Old Fashioned

A twist on one of the all time classic cocktails.​​​​​​​ 

Iced Lemon Espresso

Iced Lemon Espresso

A mocktail with a twist on an iced tea with a sweet and sour homemade lemonade.​​​​​​​

Ginger Coffee Julep

Ginger Coffee Julep

A non-alcoholic version twist of the classic Mint Julep

Creative recipes

Creative recipes


Tiramisu Coffee

A delicious version of our favourite Italian dessert - it's dessert in a cup!

Cold Rose Cappuccino

Delicately flavoured with rose water - perfect for the summer.

Hot Shot

Coffee, chocolate and chilli make the perfect combination. Coffee with a kick!

Chocolate Banana Split

Luxurious and creamy, this can be served as an after-dinner treat

Decedent Iced Coffee Classic Recipe 

Decedent Iced Coffee Classic Recipe 

A delicious twist on a classic iced coffee, This is also dangerously good with 30 ml of bourbon added to it, a great way to finish a long, lazy brunch.
